Parameter encoding is UTF-8 as standard.
Please refer to:
Time format is UNIX timestamp.
Please refer to:
application/json; charset=UTF-8
Get access token for the others requests, each api must contain the access token. The access token is valid for 2 hours, so we don't need refresh it frequently. We suggest refreshing the access token in every 90 minutes. When you request a new access token, the old one will be invalid immediately.
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
time | long | true | The time when the client sends request |
account | string | true | Account |
signature | string | true | Encrypted signature,the algorithm is:md5(md5(password) + time),md5 use 32 lower-case characters. |
The password=Abc@34590,md5(md5(Abc@34590) + 1556243443) will calculate out the result signature=3844afd2c3bf68f0f3f4aa0a9ee8ee6c
So the request is:
JSON KEY | Value type | Description | |
record | Object | ||
access_token | string | The access token | |
expires in | long | access_token expire time in seconds |
"record": {
"access_token": "ACCESS_TOKEN",
"expires_in": 7200
"code": 0
Get the latest coordinate data for tracking device.
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
access_token | string | true | The accesstoken |
imeis | string | true | Target IMEI list, separated by comma, max 100 IMEIs in one request. |
JSON KEY | Value type | Description | |
imei | string | The imei of the target | |
servertime | long | Current server time | |
gpstime | long | Gps time | |
hearttime | long | Heart time, the last time when the target sent data. | |
systemtime | long | The system time when the target sent gps data. | |
longitude | double | longitude | |
latitude | double | latitude | |
course | int | course(Noth is 0, clockwise increase ,max 360.) | |
speed | int | speed(KM/H) | |
acctime | long | ACC status kept time interval in seconds | |
accstatus | int | ACC status 1:ACC ON, 0:ACC OFF, -1:No acc status |
doorstatus | int | Door status 1:Door open, 0:Door closed, -1:No door status |
chargestatus | int |
Charging status 1:Charging, 0:Not in charging, -1:No such status |
oilpowerstatus | int |
Fuel status, 1:Fuel supply ok, 0:Fuel supply off, -1:No such status |
defencestatus | int |
Defence status 1:Defence on, 0:Defence off, -1:No such status |
datastatus | int |
1:Never online, 2:OK, 3:Expired, 4:Offline, 5:Block |
battery | int |
The battery -1:No battery status |
mileage | int |
mileage(unit:m) -1:No mileage. |
todaymileage | long |
todaymileage(unit:m) -1:No todaymileage. |
externalpower | string |
External Voltage(unit:V) "":No external voltage. |
fuel | string |
The Fuel(unit:L) "":No fuel. |
fueltime | long |
Fuel time,the last time when the target sent fuel data. 0:No fuel. |
temperature | array |
The temperature(unit:℃) When target sent multiple temperatures, example:["30.90","31.70"] [ ]:No temperature. |
temperaturetime | long |
Temperature time,the last time when the target sent temperature data. 0:No temperature. |
"record": [
"imei": "358899051025339",
"course": 195,
"systemtime": 1419905754,
"gpstime": 1419906052,
"speed": 0,
"hearttime": 1419906952,
"servertime": 1420964313,
"longitude": 113.909813,
"latitude": 22.583197,
"acctime": 1400,
"accstatus": 1,
"doorstatus": 0,
"chargestatus": 0,
"oilpowerstatus": 1,
"defencestatus": 0,
"datastatus": 2,
"battery": 100,
"mileage": 51654
"todaymileage": 15654
"externalpower": "12.1"
"fuel": "2.6"
"fueltime": 1419906052
"temperature": ["21.2"]
"temperaturetime": 1419906052
"code": 0
To get device's status, you can follow the flow chart below:
Get the GPS data of the target in the time period.
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
access_token | string | true | The access token |
imei | string | true | Target's IMEI |
begintime | long | true | Begin time |
endtime | long | true | End time |
JSON KEY | Value type | Description |
record | String | Data is separated by semicolon,the data in each group is: longitude,latitude,gpstime,speed,course |
"record": "113.97196,22.568616,1406858664,0,228;113.97196,22.56861,1406858684,0,228;113.97196,22.56861,1406858704,0,228;113.97196,22.56861,1406858724,0,228;113.97196,22.56861,1406858724,0,228;113.97196,22.56861,1406858724,0,228;113.97196,22.56861,1406858724,0,228;113.971934,22.568583,1406858780,0,61;113.971925,22.568585,1406858800,0,61",
"code": 0
This api max return 1000 GPS records at one time, when the client get 1000 records, the client has to request next 1000 records, in this request ,the begin time is the last 1000th record’s gpstime, until client get the records less than 1000. When you get the records less than 1000, it means you’ve got all the GPS records.
Create a circle geofence.
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
access_token | string | true | The access token |
imei | string | true | Target's IMEI |
efencename | string | true | The name of Geofence |
alarmtype | int | true | Alarm type(0:out,1:in,2:in/out) |
longitude | double | true | The longitude of the geofence center |
latitude | double | true | The latitude of the geofence center |
radius | int | true | Geofence radius(100~5000,unit:meter) |
First call the send command api(2.5) to get command id. then call the query command status api(2.6) in loop until the command status is 1(Respond), max try 30 times, and then we consider the command is timeout.
send a command to device from server.
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
access_token | string | true | The access token |
imei | string | true | Target's IMEI |
command | string | true |
The command RELAY,1: Stop Engine RELAY,0: Restore Engine RESET: Reset device LOCKDOOR : Lock Door UNLOCKDOOR : Unlock Door SET_MILEAGE : Set Mileage |
paramData | string | false |
When you choose to set mileage, you must to fill in paramData example: {"mileage":"30"} |
JSON KEY | Value type | Description | |
record | Object | ||
commandid | string | The id to query command response. |
"record": {
"commandid": "1B454"
"code": 0
query the command response.
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
access_token | string | true | The access token |
commandid | string | true | The id returned from send command |
JSON KEY | Value type | Description | |
record | Object | ||
response | string | The command response | |
commandstatus | int |
Command status 1: has received response from device 0: not receive response from device |
"record": {
"response": "Cut off the fuel supply: Success! Speed: 2km/h.",
"commandstatus": 1
"code": 0
This api query once every 1 second, up to 30 seconds.
Get device list. (Return maximum 500pcs devices for each account.)
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
access_token | string | true | The access token |
account | string | false | Account |
JSON KEY | Value type | Description | |
record | Object | ||
imei | string | Target's IMEI | |
devicename | String | Device name | |
devicetype | String | Device model | |
platenumber | String | Licence plate number | |
onlinetime | long | Device first online time | |
platformduetime | long | Device platform expire time | |
simcard | String | SIM card | |
iccid | String | ICCID | |
activatedtime | long | Device activated time | |
userduetime | long | Device user expire time |
"code": 0,
"record": [
"imei": "512345678901234",
"devicename": "VT05S-01234",
"devicetype": "VT05S",
"platenumber": "TheOne",
"onlinetime": 0,
"platformduetime": 0,
"simcard": "7557862586",
"iccid": "89966415211160402250",
"activatedtime": 0,
"userduetime": 0
"imei": "123456789123456",
"devicename": "VT05S-23456",
"devicetype": "VT05S",
"platenumber": "",
"onlinetime": 1419905754,
"platformduetime": 1588603848,
"simcard": "",
"iccid": "",
"activatedtime": 1419805754,
"userduetime": 1589603848
Get the device alarm information in the time period.
From 2025-02-14 this api is deprecated, please refer to new api 2.17 Get device alarm information
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
access_token | string | true | The access token |
imei | string | true | Target IMEI |
begintime | long | true | Begin time |
endtime | long | true | End time |
JSON KEY | Value type | Description | |
record | String | Data is separated by semicolon,the data in each group is: alarm type, longitude, latitude, gpstime, system time,speed,course, Geo-fence ID |
"code": 0,
"record": "27,113.885888,22.580592,1541575497,1541575507,40,40,0"
This API max return 100
alarm records at one time, when the client get 100
records, the client has to request next 100
records, in this request ,the begin time is the last 100th
record's system time, until client get the records less than 100
. When you get the records less than 100
, it means you’ve got all the alarm records.
For Alarm type details,please refer to Chapter 4.1.
Block an account.
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
access_token | string | true | The access token |
account | string | true | Account |
"code": 0
Unblock an account.
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
access_token | string | true | The access token |
account | string | true | Account |
"code": 0
Get the account's brief information.
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
access_token | string | true | The access token |
account | string | true | Account |
JSON KEY | Value type | Description | |
record | Object | ||
account | String | Account | |
username | String | User name | |
String | Email address | ||
mobile | String | Mobile number | |
telephone | String | Telephone | |
createtime | long | Create time | |
roletype | int | 1 Distributor, 2 End user, 3 Virtual account | |
blockstatus | int |
0:block 1:unblock |
"code": 0,
"record": {
"createtime": 1562570435,
"mobile": "",
"telephone": "",
"roletype": 1,
"account": "demo",
"email": "",
"blockstatus": 1,
"username": "openapidemo"
Get the device(s) basic information according to IMEIs. (Maximum 100pcs in one request.)
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
access_token | string | true | The access token |
imeis | string | true | Target IMEI list, separated by comma, max 100 IMEIs in one request. |
JSON KEY | Value type | Description | |
record | Object | ||
imei | string | Target's IMEI | |
devicename | String | Device name | |
devicetype | String | Device model | |
platenumber | String | Licence plate number | |
onlinetime | long | Device first online time | |
platformduetime | long | Device platform expire time | |
simcard | String | SIM card | |
iccid | String | ICCID | |
activatedtime | long | Device activated time | |
userduetime | long | Device user expire time |
"code": 0,
"record": [
"imei": "512345678901234",
"devicename": "VT05S-01234",
"devicetype": "VT05S",
"platenumber": "TheOne",
"onlinetime": 0,
"platformduetime": 0,
"simcard": "7557862586",
"iccid": "89966415211160402250",
"activatedtime": 0,
"userduetime": 0
"imei": "123456789123456",
"devicename": "VT05S-23456",
"devicetype": "VT05S",
"platenumber": "",
"onlinetime": 1419905754,
"platformduetime": 1588603848,
"simcard": "",
"iccid": "",
"activatedtime": 1419805754,
"userduetime": 1589603848
Send message to account.
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
access_token | string | true | The access token |
accounts | string | true | Account list, separated by comma, max 200 accounts in one request. |
content | string | true | Max. of 300 characters. |
"code": 0
Get mileage report of devices in the time period.
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
access_token | string | true | The access token |
imeis | string | true | Target IMEI list, separated by comma, max 100 IMEIs in one request. |
begintime | long | true | Begin time. The minute of begintime can only be 0 or 30, for example 01:00, 02:30. |
endtime | long | true | End time. The minute of endtime can only be 0 or 30, for example 01:00, 02:30. |
* The begintime is included ,endtime is not included.
* The maximum interval between begintime and endtime is 7 days.
JSON KEY | Value type | Description | |
record | Array | ||
imei | string | Device imei | |
mileage | double | mileage of device, in km |
"record": [
"imei": "351000091413001",
"mileage": 338.21
"imei": "351000091413002",
"mileage": 500.56
"imei": "351000091413003",
"mileage": 280.87
"imei": "351000091413004",
"mileage": 621.21
"code": 0
Get sub-customer list. (Return maximum 500pcs users.)
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
access_token | string | true | The access token |
account | string | false | Account |
JSON KEY | Value type | Description | |
record | Object | ||
account | String | Account | |
username | String | User name | |
String | Email address | ||
mobile | String | Mobile number | |
telephone | String | Telephone | |
createtime | long | Create time | |
roletype | int | 1 Distributor, 2 End user, 3 Virtual account | |
blockstatus | int |
0:block 1:unblock |
"code": 0,
"record": [
"createtime": 1562570435,
"mobile": "",
"telephone": "",
"roletype": 1,
"account": "demo",
"email": "",
"blockstatus": 1,
"username": "openapidemo"
"createtime": 1562670132,
"mobile": "",
"telephone": "",
"roletype": 1,
"account": "demotest",
"email": "",
"blockstatus": 1,
"username": "demotest name"
Modify sub-customer password.
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
access_token | string | true | The access token |
account | string | true | Account |
password | string | true | the algorithm is:md5(password),md5 use 32 lower-case characters. |
If the new password is Abc@34590,then md5(Abc@34590) will calculate out the parameter password=9d591136280b3ec563e3062dbb6f915b{ACCESS_TOKEN}&account=monitorcenter&password=9d591136280b3ec563e3062dbb6f915b
"code": 0,
Get the device alarm information in the time period.
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
access_token | string | true | The access token |
imei | string | true | Target IMEI |
begintime | long | true | Begin time |
endtime | long | true | End time |
JSON KEY | Value type | Description | |
record | Array | ||
alarmtype | int | alarm type. For details,please refer to Chapter 4.1 | |
longitude | double | longitude | |
latitude | double | latitude | |
gpstime | long | Gps time | |
systemtime | long | The system time when the target sent alarm data | |
speed | int | speed(KM/H) | |
course | int | course(Noth is 0, clockwise increase ,max 360.) | |
geofenceid | long | Geo-fence ID, when alarmtype is 5(geoFenceInAlarm) or 6(geoFenceOutAlarm), it has a value, otherwise it is 0. |
geofencename | String | Geo-fence Name,when alarmtype is 5(geoFenceInAlarm) or 6(geoFenceOutAlarm), it has a value, otherwise it is "". |
"code": 0,
"record": [
"alarmtype": 27,
"latitude": -23.53665,
"longitude": -49.246352,
"gpstime": 1541575497,
"systemtime": 1541575507,
"speed": 20,
"course": 8,
"geofenceid": 0,
"geofencename": ""
"alarmtype": 5,
"latitude": -23.53668,
"longitude": -49.246362,
"gpstime": 1541575598,
"systemtime": 1541575617,
"speed": 45,
"course": 93,
"geofenceid": 1075558,
"geofencename": "test-geofence"
This API max return 100
alarm records at one time, when the client get 100
records, the client has to request next 100
records, in this request ,the begin time is the last 100th
record's system time, until client get the records less than 100
. When you get the records less than 100
, it means you’ve got all the alarm records.
Code | Description | Remark |
10000 | System error | |
10001 | Unknown request | |
10002 | Login timeout | |
10003 | Not login yet | |
10004 | Parameter error | |
10005 | Missing required parameter | |
10006 | The parameter is out of range | |
10007 | Permission denied | |
10009 | Request is too frequency | |
10010 | Access token doesn’t exist | |
10011 | Access token is invalid | |
10012 | Access token is out of date | |
10013 | IMEI is not authorized | |
10014 | Request time error | |
10016 | Account is blocked | |
20001 | Account or password error | |
20005 | Target doesn't exist. | |
20017 | Device is offline. | |
20018 | Send command fail. | |
20023 | No Data. | |
20046 | Target is expired. | |
20048 | Unsupported command. | |
20089 | Device is blocked. |
Alarm type | Description | Remark |
1 | sosAlarm | |
2 | lowBatteryAlarm | |
3 | powerDisconnectAlarm | |
4 | vibrationAlarm | |
5 | geoFenceInAlarm | |
6 | geoFenceOutAlarm | |
7 | speedingAlarm | |
8 | carMoveAlarm | |
9 | engineOn | |
10 | engineOff | |
11 | tireTemperatureAlarm | |
12 | tireLeakPressureAlarm | |
13 | tireLowPressureAlarm | |
14 | tireHighPressureAlarm | |
15 | gpsDeadZoneInAlarm | |
16 | gpsDeadZoneOutAlarm | |
17 | obdDtcAlarm | |
18 | disassembleAlarm | |
19 | powerOffAlarm | |
20 | collisionAlarm | |
21 | dropAlarm | |
22 | routeAlarm | |
23 | rapidAccelerationAlarm | |
24 | rapidDecelerationAlarm | |
25 | sharpTurnAlarm | |
26 | dooropenAlarm | |
27 | doorcloseAlarm | |
28 | offlineAlarm | |
29 | engineIdleAlarm | |
30 | parkingAlarm | |
31 | oilLeakAlertAlarm | |
32 | oilTheftAlertAlarm | |
33 | jammingAlarm | |
34 | restrictedDrivingAlarm | |
35 | lowTemperatureAlarm | |
36 | highTemperatureAlarm | |
37 | dumpSwitchOnAlarm | |
38 | dumpSwitchOffAlarm | |
39 | armAlarm | |
40 | rolloverAlarm | |
41 | fatigueDrivingAlarm | |
42 | lackBreakFatigueDrivingAlarm | |
43 | lowOilAlarm | |
44 | lowExternalBatteryAlarm |